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The material of Christmas lights

The material of Christmas lights

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The material of Christmas lights
There are aluminum alloys: Aluminum alloys are the most commonly used materials in the manufacture of lamps. Usually, it is often heard that molds need to be opened to make lamps, and aluminum alloys should be pressed after opening. There are zinc alloys: but the cost of aluminum alloys is relatively high, and some lamp structures that do not require very high materials can be replaced by zinc alloys. Its quality is slightly heavier, but the cost is relatively cheap. There are also steel plates: steel is also a very commonly used material in lamps. It has a wide range of applications and is much cheaper than aluminum. And plastic: plastic is just a general term, it includes many types, such as the common PC, PMMA, etc., it is a kind of high molecular polymer. Mirror aluminum Mirror aluminum material is unique in the lighting industry, and other products are rarely used.

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The material of Christmas lights
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